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I believe in magic, sparkles, rainbows, & pixie dust

Do you feel stressed out or stuck?


Do you believe in intuition? Have you ever had a chance to work with it?


Do you ever have a sense of wanting to step into your power to manifest success and confidence in all areas of your life?



Let my universe become your universe!


I'm an Intuitive Visionary Strategist and Catalyst. My education has been in Finance and Accounting. I've had a career in IT for 20+ years. I combine my experience and learnings from both the material and spiritual facets.


I'm an Elemental and Sacred Space Alchemist. A Shaman. A Starseed. A Medical Intuitive. A Master Energy Transmitter and Channel. A Mentor and a Guide. A Safe Container for Deep Lasting Positive Transformation. A Recovering Perfectionist. An Earth Lover. A Crystal Keeper. A Student of Shamanic Astrology. An Intuitive Designer and Artist.


I bring in all of these and more into my offerings as we integrate intuitive technologies and energetic processes. I love what I do and do what I love - I live a purpose-ful passion-filled life!


When I was 5 years old, I told my mother I wanted to change my birth name. Mom agreed and gave me 3 options. I settled on Archanaa – literally translates to "an offering in a place of worship." This meaning has paved the gateway for my purpose and is the inspiration for the Sacred Golden Temple process.


I believe in deep lasting transformation and eliminating band-aids.

As a young girl, I remember watching family and friends suffer from chronic and life-threatening ailments. I lost my best friend in elementary school to brain cancer. These had a deep emotional impact on me and triggered traumatic past life memories. I felt helpless as my mom suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure, knee problems, cataracts, limited mobility, depression, pneumonia and finally succumbed to breast cancer.


Throughout my life, I've noticed other people with similar health situations experience different outcomes. I've witnessed some miraculously heal from major chronic conditions while others with the same conditions get worse or die. Some people seem to have it easy. They make visible progress toward their goals, while others with similar skill sets are unable make any progress at all. I've always wanted to know what was really behind these mysterious situations.


I had very little confidence and self-esteem growing up. I always felt different and tried being normal most of my life. Sound familiar to you? A star trying to fit into a square peg?

I believe in letting go of shame and guilt so we are worthy of forgiveness.


Over the years, I was bombarded with plenty of health issues: constant fatigue, excruciating headaches, acute bronchitis, asthma, stubborn weight gain, varicose veins, and chronic neck and shoulder pain. I hated being in my body. I lost count of the number of times I wondered what the f*** I was doing here. Yet after countless programs, modalities, healing sessions and supplement regimes (though gaining temporary relief), patterns of discomfort would return.


​It felt like history was going to repeat itself unless I did something quick. I began my intensive quest for deep healing and lasting transformation. I knew anything could be healed if we just allowed the body to do so. The big question was HOW. I stumbled into receiving a healing session over the phone from one of my soon-to-be teachers – I felt an immediate shift. If I could also learn to do this, I could help anyone anywhere on the planet! This major aha moment permanently changed the course of my life. I signed up and graduated as a medical intuitive with 95% accuracy more than 10 years ago.​


Every area of my life was a roller coaster - health, emotions, environment, relationships, career. As I tried multiple programs and modalities. I experienced limited results. It became very obvious there were missing pieces limiting my success. I started to put the different pieces together as I continued to work on myself and my people. Adding energetics created deeper lasting results. Cleaning up nutrition and supplements helped getting the body on board. Releasing trauma from past lives and ancestry accelerated the healing process. Clearing the home and environment released baggage and stuck patterns. Harnessing hidden emotional issues helped release weight issues. Connecting with the divine and the earth brought in safety and deeper meaning to our existence. All of these have brought in a very (w)holistic system and approach to healing ourselves. I have put all of these intuitive technologies together in a very unique blueprint that combines the very best of everything from my own journey. 

I had the biggest loudest wake-up call on 22nd October 2015. I was walking barefoot around Uxmal (Yucatan, Mexico) - the Divine Feminine Pyramid. I was bathed in waves of bliss and while I was floating in that ocean of bliss, I heard a voice ask "Are you ever going to pick up your purpose or are you going to waste another lifetime waiting for permission and acceptance?" I tried to ignore the voice but it would not go away! This trip changed the course of my life forever and forced me to face something I hoped I didn't have to deal with. I was a hopeless optimist and thought that one day everything would magically work in my favor. It gave me the courage to go for the divorce and finally pursue my purpose!


I come from a very traditional conservative family. I'm an only child. I never felt like I belonged anywhere. I always looked at the stars and wondered what I was doing here. I have gone through and healed a truck load of my own health challenges. As a result, I have slithered out of surgery and avoided prescriptions (not asking you to do that - this is my experience). I have dealt with depression and panic attacks - I don't miss 'em! I have gone from feeling like a victim, being a rebel and then stepping up to own my power. And I'm still in one piece. I did not have any magic potion or miracle formulas when I started - I have gathered a few along the way. If I can make it and thrive, you can too!


My education is in finance and accounting. My career of almost 20 years in Information Technology. Along came spirituality and intuition - giving me the trust and confidence to keep going no matter what. I have brought in and blended the best from each of these areas into my work now. I absolutely love what I do and I do what I love!


I believe in maintaining balance between the material and spiritual worlds. My journey and quest for personal evolution continues with experiential initiations, activations, trainings and much more! It has definitely not been a linear path. I've had plenty of successes and breakthroughs. I've had more than my fair share of mistakes and failures. All of these have opened up my intuition, gifts and an explosion in energies way beyond my imagination and what I thought was possible.

I have been through 'hell on steroids' and understand the rawness of the pain (physical, emotional and energetic). I am my own guinea pig - every product and service is thoroughly tested on me first! I believe every 'body' is different and what I have for you is unique and personalized so you can experience faster long lasting deep transformation with ease and grace.


You deserve to feel unshakable and experience prosperity, purpose and passion in every area of your life!
There is really no limit to how far and deep you can go with your intuition and your healing journey.

When you have mastery over your body + mind + environment and understand what makes you a phenomenon, then you experience ecstasy + excellence in every area of your life.

Archanaa Shyam

My Values







Fierce Compassion


Grateful Celebrations

My Inspirations

Copyright 2016 onwards Archanaa Shyam. All Rights Reserved.


Information and healing provided through this website and offline during the sessions are intended to enable and enhance your physical, emotional and energetic well being. Although we adhere to the highest standards and professional ethics, we cannot make guarantees regarding effectiveness or healing outcomes. Intuitive readings, evaluations, healing sessions, training programs and other recommendations are intended to complement, not replace or substitute, professional medical diagnosis and treatment. This website, these statements and products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Always consult with your doctor about any symptoms that may require medical attention. We cannot and do not provide medical diagnoses or treatment, prescribe medicine or give psychotherapy. All personal information received from client is kept strictly confidential. There is absolutely no sharing of personal addresses or emails.

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