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Digging Deeper into Success Coordinates - Power Directions

Let's continue with the discussion on success coordinates today. I know I briefly talked about the different facets that make up the success coordinates in another video, and today I will build on that basic foundational block. So, what are power directions you may ask? These are the best directions to face when doing your work or other important tasks. Whether it is something relating to work or your business, meditation, anything, and everything that has some significance and you want to make sure that you're aligned with these energetics when you're getting stuff done. For example, the direction that your house faces is an important element that you can align with your power directions. Another place you could be using this is when you're renting an office and you are positioning the different pieces of furniture and workstation, or even if you're buying a rental or commercial property. Whatever it may be you could be using this system in almost any place where directions come into play. All kinds of properties would be applicable. So how does this really work and how do I find out what's my ideal direction? The second question is something I tune in for my clients and it is very genetic channeling., I would say it's not a piece of software or anything else but it is popular information and it gives me some output. This is something I channel, which is different for my clients so yes, you could have a lot of directions and accomplish other directions. There are so many combinations and options one has. But even with that knowing what works for you is paramount.

Make sure that you are in alignment with the different aspects when you're doing the work that matters. It brings in a lot of focus, and the ability to get stuff done as well so that's another subtle but very strong benefit of aligning directions. Another place where you can also apply this particular concept is if you're speaking at an event or you are in a conference room, or you're going to meet someone in a coffee shop or anywhere for that matter. Try and get there a little bit early and determine what the different directions are that are suitable for you and then use them to your advantage. Now, this is not going to give you any kind of control over the situation or the ability to manipulate somebody, it's none of those things, it just allows you with your own inner sense to permit the energy to flow through you in a way that is aligned with what you're trying to do. So it's going to be very supportive and also extremely powerful and effective. If you'd like to know more, or if you have had experiences with this and you want to share those experiences with me. I would love to hear from you. Reach out and let me know how I can support you.

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