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Sovereignty Not Slavery

Another very important concept for today is sovereignty, not slavery. I know these are two heavy words that have a lot of depth. Let's take slavery, for example, and not the historical slavery. The concept I'm referring to is about how we sometimes feel like we are slaves of our circumstances or that the situations around us are always controlling us and throwing us off. We feel like victims and there is no shame in that. It's almost like we have signed up with something that we can't seem to change. So basically what I'm saying is when we have given up our power, and the power of our choices, we are a slave of the circumstances. Basically, everything and everyone around us has a say in what is going on, or what we do. And no matter what we do nothing seems to change.

There are plenty of exceptions to this rule, but the majority of us seem to be stuck in that particular pattern where we feel like we have no choice or control over what's happening in our lives and it's frustrating. On the other side, when I talk about sovereignty I'm not talking about the fact that you have to rule the world or a country. It's about ruling your own life. So when I talk about sovereignty and power you are the king or the queen of your own life. You have a choice and a say in what's going on in and around you. Making that switch is one of the most difficult journeys for most of us. Can you relate to that? Have you been on this journey? Does it feel like it's been going on forever and then you seem to make a little progress and you almost getting there and then something just slides you right back down to where you started off? This happens over and over for a lot of us before we realize that there is something we can do about it. So what can you do to get started? Maybe the next question that's coming up is oh I've tried a lot of different things that haven't worked so what else can I do? One of the most fundamental things to be done to shift this towards sovereignty is establishing boundaries and actually honoring them. It's one thing to establish the boundaries and it's another process to actually honor them.

I say this from personal experience. It's almost like you schedule an appointment with some one and you don't honor it and fail to show up because you decided to do something for yourself. That again goes back to boundaries and if you keep pushing yourself to the bottom of the list over and over again you won't even give your own stuff any priority. How can we expect anybody else to do that for you? So that's what I'm talking about when it comes to boundaries. And this is an area that needs a lot of training, not just for yourself, but for everybody around you because they are used to you being available. They are used to you doing whatever they need whenever they need it. So to shift that to change that takes a lot of work. This is not coming from a place of being selfish where the rest of the family is starving and you don't care. No. Just like you care for everybody else around you, you need to care for yourself too. Your purpose matters, your existence matters, you are here for a reason. This is the first step in establishing boundaries and starting to retrain the people around you.

That's the first step that'll start your journey to help you bring the sovereign into your life. There's plenty more topics I want to talk about and a lot of other tips and tricks I would like to share, but this is the first one, so get started here. The first few times it may not work but don't get discouraged, keep going. It may not work the first 20 times, but if you keep going and know that you're going to keep going, no matter what happens, it will start to shift. That's simply the nature of interrupting the patterns which will continue unless interrupted. So share with me what comes up when you start establishing and honoring your boundaries. What aha moments you have and what experiences came your way. And if there's anything I can support you with, feel free to reach out and let us connect.

Take care and I will see you soon on the next video.

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