Well, hello. Today we'll talk about allergies and the metaphysical significance or energy behind them. These are the typical seasonal allergies relating to the respiratory system which a lot of people experience at different times of the year. It might be something that you are continuously exposed and it may affect your eyes, nose, and nasal passage. When you think of allergies what really comes to mind? Something that gets you uncomfortable and interferes with your normal day-to-day life unless you have medicines to help deal with it.
I want you to switch gears for a little bit and start looking at it from a different perspective. What is it about your environment that makes you uncomfortable and what are you really feeling? Is it from your place of work, people around you, or even your home? Oftentimes what I have found when I've been working with clients is any and all of these allergies, especially relating to the respiratory system are often associated with not feeling connected, or tuned in to your environment. The specific environment varies from person to person but at the end of the day when you're not comfortable and you don't feel like you belong you get disconnected from your environment and that is when the allergies hit. I have had my own experiences and I have seen this in my clients quite frequently. Once we address the root cause of what's actually going on we can start addressing it. From that perspective, I encourage you to look at what's really going on in your environment and identify what is causing you to feel like you do not belong.
If you have more questions, or if you'd like more support to resolve this you can reach out to me, either through my website or by posting in the comments below.
Until next time.