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Asthma, Bronchitis, and Grief

From the health perspective, or the emotional energetic perspective, the topic about asthma and bronchitis.

I've clumped them together because there's a lot that's similar between them, because they are at many levels relating to the respiratory system.

Not just that, even from the emotional and energetic perspective, there's a lot that's common between them. There's very similar stuff that makes sense to talk about them together.

And you might be wondering, how is this relevant from the emotional or the energetic perspective. And if you've watched any of my other videos regarding the different health issues that we have talked about, every health issue that manifests in the physical body has an energetic and emotional component that is attached to it, which is why and how it manifests into the physical body. And asthma and bronchitis are no different either.

So getting straight to the point.

So, when a lot of grief that is stored in the body - grief, sadness, sorrow - and that has been stored in the body for a really long time, and what I'm talking about is the emotion that has not been processed, the emotion that has not been resolved, or accepted or basically integrated at many levels.

And we all know you're so good at suppressing and ignoring our emotions. We're damn good at that. Right.

But when it comes to certain emotions and we continue to suppress them like everything else, it makes it that much harder for the body to deal with it, and it's heavy. It's very, very heavy. Both symbolically and physically in the body when we suppress certain emotions. I talk about anger in another video. For today we are going to stick with grief.

So, when there has been a lot of grief or sadness or sorrow, because of different things that have happened in your life. Maybe you've lost someone close in your family, or it could be like a loss or relationship or loss of anything for that matter, basically we're talking about loss, so the grief from loss.

Right, so that settles down in the lungs and the heart area, work physically and symbolically as well.

So when that happens and we have not cleared them out, or resolve them at a level where the body is completely made peace with it. then it manifests in different intensities of asthma and bronchitis. I myself had that for several years. And I will go into bronchitis at a different level in another video but at the surface level, when we look at asthma and bronchitis, it is unresolved grief.

It is something that you have decided to suppress or ignore. Maybe you just haven't had the time to sit down and process it, maybe you just have had to go go go and never had a chance to just pause take a moment and really integrate that grief or loss of whatever that triggered it. We're not the interjection or having an opinion but it's something that has just not been there or not being able to work through that yet.

And we'll go deeper with it in some of the other videos as well but what I want you to know at the starting point is if you have had or if you continue to have anything to do with either ask for our bronchitis, that is unresolved grief to be worked on.

So, I encourage you to reflect on how to write about it and get it out of your system so however it works for you to process these particular images.

But if you do decide to write about it. Once you write about it just get rid of it. This is not something you save in your journal for years to come. This is something you're purging or cleaning out from your system, maybe you don't want to talk about it to somebody maybe tears are not flowing down from your eyes.

It's just very disconnected but you know the grief is there so it's easier maybe to just write about it might be a paragraph might be two pages might be we can say just you don't know till it starts coming out, but write it out. Maybe not a good system and in Canada one foot home want to be looking at that later. The goal is to purge it and let it out of your system. And if you do happen to find yourself crying a little. Just let it flow, it's okay it is safe. It isn't necessary to process that grief and share with me what comes up for you when you do this particular process. And if there's anything that I can support you with reach out and let me know.

So until next time, take care of yourself. And I will see you soon.

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