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Eyes & Clarity

Let's take a quick look at the link between eyes and clarity. When it comes to clarity, you may wonder exactly what I am referring to. It refers to clarity in every area of your life from your personal life, business, and even your spirituality. With clarity, you get clear vision.

When people have issues with their eyes in whatever form it may present itself like wearing glasses or similar challenges, there's always something about seeing and being seen and this is where clarity comes into play as well. This is a slightly complex topic, and we will stay at a high level, for the purpose of this session. So, at some level symbolically when we don't want to see what's going on around us that is when the vision starts to deteriorate. It's almost like you don't want to see what's happening around you, whether it's at home, at work, or even in the world at large. It could even signify not wanting to see yourself at a certain level because there may be an element of fear that comes with a lot of these different things.

When I talk about the challenges with the eye. we also need to talk about the next steps. Some of us need to know and see everything before we can take the next step. But it doesn't always work that way. It's very rare that we have complete clarity and our complete plan before we even get started. If you think about it, even companies will base their portfolio estimates for the year on what they know so far, but they do not have control over everything that's coming up in the future. We need to understand that we can make so many assumptions at a given point in time. It is about aligning with the fact that things will unfold and when we make peace with that the clarity opens up. And when clarity opens up we start to heal. The eyes are among the most complex of all the organs in the body because there are so many different aspects and so many different layers to this whole healing process in the eyes. It may take a really long time to heal because there are so many variations. So, instead of wanting to know it all how about asking yourself, what's my next best step? And then moving forward towards that. And then once that gets done take the next step and then the next. One step at a time

If you have too much confusion about what is next and you don't seem to know where you want to go, then just pause, take stock of all that is going on in different areas of your life, and be open for the next step to show up so you can move forward. I'd love to hear from you what comes up as you dig into this particular topic. Share it with me, connect with me, and let me know how I can support you. I will see you soon on the next video. Take care.

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