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Getting to the Core of Weight Issues

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Today we'll talk about the emotions and energetics behind weight issues.

There are many different ways we can look at what's going on with weight. Some of the most common things that come to mind when we think about weight issues are food and stress, or whether there have been any other health challenges that may have slowed down your metabolism.

It may also be due to different kinds of medications that impact your health and hormones as well.

Today I am primarily focusing on those of us trying to lose weight I mean, there is a smaller percentage that is trying to gain weight and that doesn't seem to be easy either; but for today's little topic, we will stay with weight loss. This is something I struggled with for many years before figuring out the different things that worked for me and that's something I share with my clients as well. Food is important, stress and other emotions, medications, and exercise are all important for this journey. What I want us to start looking at with a different perspective.

There are a lot of these facets when it comes to looking at the different areas that are storing the weight. For a lot of people, it is the abdominal area while for others it could be the upper body. We could be storing this weight anywhere and there is a different story that comes up, depending on where the weight has been stored. From the energetic perspective, it's about putting on an extra shield and it signifies you're trying to hide from something.

Think of it like protective layers that the body is putting on. So what is it that you're trying to hide from? What is that fear that you are trying to keep yourself safe from?

It could be stress, anxiety, worry, or even fear. but primarily. What are you hiding from and what is it that you do not want people to see?

That is the single most important question for this and I would like you to pause and start taking a deeper look to discover what's really going on. There are a lot of different aspects, beliefs, and patterns and it could be memories either from this lifetime or other lifetimes. This is the most fundamental question to ask if you are trying to figure out why you're not able to lose the weight that you've been trying to lose for so long.

Now on to the emotional aspects of it. For a lot of people, it boils down to control. Now control has so many different dimensions to it. You could be trying to control something that's not working, somebody else might be trying to control you or something in your environment could be trying to control you. This is an aspect, I would highly encourage you to look at because, in its very simplest form, it is a power struggle.

Whether you're the one trying to control or you're the one being controlled, there is a tug-of-war that's going on. Emotionally when you're not able to let go of the stuff that is no longer positively serving you, it is being deposited somewhere in the body and that is the emotional aspect I'm talking about. The abdomen area is where most of us tend to store a lot of the trauma we go through. Whether it is from this lifetime, or other lifetimes, whether it has come through ancestry, or not it can still affect you.

For a lot of my clients, I have seen that the trauma that they go through comes from their ancestry, and they're still carrying those frequencies which is why it gets deposited in the abdominal area.

It is such a hard and challenging piece to work with and let go of. There are many ways that the body goes through trauma It could be due to multiple surgeries, childbirth, or even complications with your digestive system. All of those get deposited in the abdomen area and they contribute to weight issues.

This is the starting point that I want you to look at and see what really shows up for you, again, and I know I've shared this and said this a few times in other videos. It is really important to purge or empty these emotions out of your system. If that means you have to write it down or talk about it, make sure you get it out of your system.

Suppressing these emotions or pretending that they don't exist is not going to make them go away. I've tried that and it doesn't work that way. So start writing about it and once you write about it you purge it out of your system. Remember to also look at your diet, supplements, and food intake.

Let me know what questions come up and if there's anything I can do to support you in this journey. Have fun discovering what your body is trying to tell you.

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