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Headache & Self-Trust

Today, let's take a look at headaches a discomfort that I hear from people very often, and something I can relate to. I used to have what I now call New Moon headaches and they were extremely painful headaches. I suffered regular pain until I realized what was going on and got over it. So coming back to what could be causing them, what comes to mind when I use the word hate?

Pressure, pain, and some kind of resistance, right?

But what really causes this pressure and the resistance?

Typically, that is a response to a situation that I call a tug-of-war situation. It's like one thing is pulling while another thing is pushing and there is a battle of sorts. Let us go a little deeper and look at the possible causes. First would be environmental factors that could trigger a headache.

For most of the people who come to me when they have a headache, there is a deep resistance or fear to opening up to your intuition, or your own inner guidance system, whatever word resonates for you.

You and your inner compass are that connection to the Divinity within. We all know that we came here and signed up to be something way bigger than who we are today. This means that that deeper purpose is calling or there's something inside that you're yearning for but there is a stumbling block preventing you from connecting with it.

For most people, it starts with opening up to intuition, because you want to trust yourself. But the second-guessing and what-ifs usually prevent us from trusting ourselves. So even at some point if you feel like you're plugged into your intuition, the good old fear starts to rear its ugly head again increasing the self-doubt

Imagine if this conversation is happening and the pressure is building up inside your head, it's gonna hurt. Where there is a lot of conflict, there's a lot of pressure.

At some point you may have opened up to intuition but it was too scary and you didn't have anybody to hold your hand through it. It happened to me early on and then I kind of shut it down. Thankfully the next time intuition came knocking I had somebody holding my hand. Remember there is plenty of help out there, you just have to ask.

If it's so severe that you had a very good experience with intuition, but then it felt so scary and you shut it down, it might even become a migraine. I've seen that happen too. There are many forms of headaches with variations in how they manifest physically for people. But know that this is not unusual and it can be addressed.

If you have any experience you would like to share, or if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you. Also, if there is any way I can support you in opening up to your intuition, please reach out.

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