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Introduction to Success Coordinates

I will discuss something interesting for today. This is something that I have personally used and it has been very specially channeled. I call them success coordinates because they contribute to helping you align more with your success. In today's session, I will give a quick description and then I will talk about each of these, and how you can specifically use them in separate videos because it would be too much to put them all in one video. Success coordinates comprise power directions like sleep directions, power colors, power numbers, and metals. These are the five different things that comprise success coordinates. Now the first question that may pop into your mind is how do I find out what's mine? It's not like a software or an application program where I just enter some details to get an answer. On your blueprint, you may find something common with other people because there are only so many colors, metals, and directions.

Power directions are the directions you will be facing when you're working, meditating, or doing creative projects that require focus. So you are aligning with the direction that allows you to step into your potential so the flow is easy. if you're looking to get something done, the focus is easier. So that's what power directions do.

Now, sleep direction is simply finding the best direction for you to sleep so you can enjoy quality restful sleep. There are some specifics on that which I will cover in another video. In terms of colors again it's the same thing. What kind of rainbow is the most aligned for you and will be most beneficial for you? I mentioned in a previous video where I talked about building your rainbow, and it's building the rainbow based on the theme that works for you. I use the seasons namely spring, summer, winter, and fall, and we will determine which ones are best suited for you. With numbers, it's very similar where everything is simplified into a single digit when we're looking at numbers. So basically one through nine, and then we'll tune in to find out which ones are the best for you. Then with metals, I primarily look at them for jewelry whether it's jewelry, a watch, or any other piece of metal that you might use. It's more about how you personalize and accessorize yourself with these metals. So that's what's going to be looked at in the metal section. It's unique based on your energy so I channel those for you and we find out what works best for you. If this interests you and you would like to learn more about it, or if you've already tried something similar and you have some feedback or comments on whether it has worked for you or not, I would love to hear from you. Or if you're interested in finding out what works for you, then reach out to me and I would be happy to channel those for you so you're much more aligned and in synergy with the different factors in the environment. It will put you firmly on your path to success. Until next time, take care.

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