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Radiating Your Inner Essence Through Colors

Today we will address a fun topic and also one of my favorite. Want to take a guess? We'll be talking about colors today. I don't know what came to your mind when I mentioned cars, but we look at it from different perspectives. And this is such an easy change you can make that will give you a huge impact and ROI- return on investment. There's something in this for everyone so let's start with some basics.

When I talk about colors, I'm talking about the different elements to start with. What are these palettes? I look at these color palettes as the different seasons. You could have one or more of these palettes, and you might be wondering, how do I find out what's right?

How I find out is to tune in and then energetically I'm able to tune in for my clients and identify what their best talents are. And once you know what those specific talents are for you It's very easy to come up with the different colors. I'm a big fan of building your own rainbow, no matter what your palette is. I'm not going to tell you what colors to wear and what not to wear. because that is not the way you want to go about it. Just like a rainbow is not complete unless it has all seven colors.

Whether you're a winter, fall, summer, or spring, whatever color is your energetic essence built into a rainbow from the shades of that particular palette. Now let's say for example winter is all about deep, dark jewel tones but they're very bright, intense, and pretty powerful colors. For example, the purple that you see behind me on the chair is a 100-color plastic winter cup. And why am I going into this detail you may ask? One is in the colors that you wear be it the clothes, accessories or however else you like to use color on yourself. While the second is, how you use it in your environment. I will touch upon each of these real quick and if you have more questions you can always reach out and schedule some time to talk with me. Let's talk about the colors you wear. When you wear the right colors, and I am talking about the upper half of the body, you are radiating your inner essence without having to do a lot of additional work. The colors will do the work for you. If you're wondering why people don't notice or recognize you then it is probably the colors. You don't have to change your wardrobe overnight but instead, start exploring with different colors depending on how you're feeling or how much attention you want. Sometimes the colors that you're most afraid of, so to speak, may be the best color for you like red was for me. I encourage you to explore with colors. Now talking about your home or work environment, if you had Shrek in your bedroom and you're wondering why you can't sleep. The reason is right there. The colors are too bright and stimulating. Instead, you should have calming green hues in your bedroom. There are different ways that this can be applied. And no matter what budget you are working with it's possible to redo different parts of your home to bring it back to life with color. It could be little cushions, chairs, bedding, or even curtains, there are so many different ways.

If you have any questions or if you want to share some of your experiences, connect with me either through my website or by sharing in the comments. So, until next time. Take care.

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