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Rituals & A Special Surprise

It's really important to build a rhythm of personal rituals, and I don't mean five times a day. It could be once a day, once a week, or even once a month, but you have to be committed and dedicated to making sure you stick with it. There are many tools and techniques that I share with my clients; even off of it, they make it their own. They have their variations, they do whatever it is that works for them. I wanted to talk about fire ceremonies which come from a lot of different traditions, and I have no personal claim to being the only one practicing them. There are some core principles which you adapt and make your own. I was exposed to numerous fire ceremonies performed for religious purposes in places of worship from an early age and I was always fascinated by and drawn to fire. It is a powerful element with the ability to transform. When I started doing the fire ceremonies I connected with the element of fire and I have been steadily practicing it for 40 years now. I performed it for one of the full moon fire ceremonies that I will share with you. I hope it inspires you to discover what ritual you would like to take up and something that you can make your own bringing in that element of divinity and the connection to the elements at a deeper level. One idea is for you to light several candles and just sit with them and bask in the glory of the beautiful energy that's generated from clean candles. If you're someone who has been doing these rituals for a while, I'd love to see some pictures. Reach out to me if you have any questions or if you have any experiences to share, I would love to hear from you. And until next time. Take care.

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