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The Link Between Blood Pressure and Stress

Today we are talking about blood pressure another common issue.

There are various reasons it happens and there are different factors that come into play. But at the end of the day, most people resort to medications or some kind of external help to manage that pressure. You might have heard people say it's just because of stress-related and you might have to live with it for the rest of your life. But I'm going to invite you to challenge that and see if you can do something about it.

And I'm not just inviting you to challenge it but I'm going to give you some different perspectives to look at to see what resonates with you and if you can relate to any of these that I'm sharing. You can start looking at what areas of your life or in what way, the different things that are happening around you are contributing to the blood pressure. There are two types of blood pressure, one is high blood pressure while the other is low blood pressure. We're talking about both, but first I want to look at the more common high blood pressure.

From a metaphysical or medical intuitive perspective., I'd say pressure means people are inviting you and it is like everyone around you is putting so much pressure on you and that is the way your body is reacting.

You're trying to keep up with the demands of your surroundings, you're trying to cope with all the priorities and it gets overwhelming and that's what's causing the blood pressure,

I know it sounds a lot simpler said than done, but when you start looking at it and go, Oh, where am I getting all this pressure is this from a particular person is this from a particular situation like my environment or workplace?

The moment you identify the source of this pressure and you come up with a strategy to manage it, it should resolve. Because at the end of the day, you want your body to heal and be self-reliant, so you can enjoy your life much more.

Low blood pressure is different because for most people it is the result of self induced stress and pressure, your own internal pressure. It is like you to do so much, way more than you need to and you are at it constantly and you tell yourself I need to do more I'm not doing enough and no matter what I do, it's not enough so when that pattern is running it contributes to the low blood pressure. Yes, different diets can also contribute to pressure changes, but at the end of the day, different packages have been handed over to us through our ancestry or other sources. It's an energetic system that's running your life so whether you choose to bring more pressure into your life or somebody else brings it in, it's still part of your energy system and that is why those emotions and those energetics need to be cleared so your heart can de-stress a little bit longer. At the end of the day, that's how you look at blood pressure, whether it's high or low. Where is the pressure? Where is the stress and overwhelm coming from?

The moment you identify that your journey towards solving it begins. I would encourage you to start taking a look at what's going on, and what is causing back in back pressure. If you have any experiences that you would like to share or if you have any questions for me I would be happy to answer. Reach out, connect with me, and let me know how I can support you. I know we see each other next time. Take care.

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