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The Link Between Diabetes & Bitterness

Hello and welcome back.

Today we will talk about the link between diabetes and the feeling of bitterness which is very common.

For the most part, we blame genetics and we say if my grandparents and parents had it, the next generation would probably have it too. Ultimately it is about managing sugar levels and what is sugar all about? It's about sweetness. It's about the sweetness, whether it's the inner sweetness or the sweetness that you're seeking from outside. Some are constantly seeking sweetness to satisfy their cravings. It's almost like a stress response for the majority of the population.

And you might wonder what's going on with that.

When you're looking for the sweetness ourselves it is gonna keep going on and on forever. It's not done in a day. So, what manifests in your body is bitterness and unhappiness. Because when we don't find the sweetness and we get frustrated it translates into bitterness and that is what manifests in the body. A lot of people in this pattern have had it beyond this particular lifetime, probably for several lifetimes and it's a hard pattern to break.

What I encourage you to do is to just pause for a moment reflect upon this situation and figure out what is causing you to seek sweetness from the outside and not the inside. That's the sweetness that you can rely on because at the end of the day, external sweetness is not consistent, it's not permanent. I encourage you again to pause and reflect on where this bitterness is coming from and what is triggering you. I'd love to hear about your experiences and revelations and if I can be of any support to help you resolve this so you can reach out to me via my website.

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