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The Link Between Sore Throat and Speaking Up

Let's take a look at a common challenge that I've had a lot and that is the painful sore throat which strangely seems to hurt on the outside as well as the inside. When you're trying to eat or gulp something you also feel the pain even more and it is almost like you don't want to swallow, or there's something that's not allowing you to swallow. There are many ways that we can go with this particular issue but this time I am looking at it in isolation. To give you some perspective, this hits an area of the body that stores. From memories and emotions, this area stores more than almost any other part. And you can also think about it from an energetic perspective. When I say energetic perspective, I'm talking about the chakras.

For most people the most common and easiest place to go with this is communication. If you've had any kind of communication issue whether big or small and either for a short time or the longest time, there will be stuff going on with the throat.

Let's say as a child you were not allowed to speak. Or maybe you are not able to express yourself at your workplace. Or maybe nobody cares to listen to you at home. You even try to reach out to friends and family and they always misunderstand you no matter how good your intentions are. All of these

translate to having our speech choked. When you think of the symbolic significance of feeling choked it is the throat area and the whole message is blocked which makes it painful because you're trying to say something and it's not coming out so you'll just follow it back and it hurts. When you're trying to say something and you are not able to it will most probably manifest as a sore throat.

Once you realize what is going on and you let go you start to heal. But it takes a lot of work to peel those layers off. It's painful. Just like the sore throat, nobody wants to go there. There is a lot of fear that comes up when people try to heal communication issues. Fear is a very common emotion that is stored in the throat. Fear or rejection and being shut down affect us. If this is something that's been haunting you for a long time, the sore throat or any variations thereof, I invite you to pause and start looking at what's been going on in different areas in terms of communication. Where have you been able to express and where have you not been able to express? And also how you feel when you have to say something when you have to speak up. It's not just the volume of speech, it's about the ability to speak up. When you have the opportunity to speak up will you take it?

I invite you to just focus on communication in your life. I'm not talking about cell phones I'm talking about expression and speaking up because once that passage opens up. Then you can start sharing from the heart. Tap into it and if there is stuff that you need to release, go ahead and let them go. So you can step up and move forward.

I would love to hear from you so share with me your experiences and questions. And if there's anything I can support you with just reach out and let me know.

Take care.

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