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The Missing Link Between Sleep & Safety

"You deserve to feel safe in your body"

This is a very important topic especially if you have or have had any problems with sleep. I invite you to look at things from a different perspective. I'll show you the most critical missing piece that is impacting your sleep.

If you've had any issues with sleep - whether it is short term or long term or if you've pretty much lived with it all your life. This may very well be what you're looking for.

I have worked with many people who have had sleep issues. I've also talked to many others who are constantly trying different therapies or supplements or mattresses or pillows or tests or trying a variety of other tactics - there's always something going on in this area for them. And whether we like it or not, there are too many options out there for sleep solutions. You may be one of those who is constantly bombarded with information from friends and family. What you may or may not realize is, how safe you feel in your body is going to affect your ability and quality of your sleep. Safety is the most critical missing piece of this puzzle. Your next question may be – what causes the body to feel unsafe?

* If you've had health challenges at different times in your life * If you've been in and out of ER a few times * If you've lived in an area that is considered unsafe * If any of your loved ones have experiences unsafe situations * If you've been in an accident that caused an injury or took a while to heal * If you've gone through any kind of abuse or trauma - physical, emotional, or energetic that you may have experienced in this lifetime.

All these triggers a flight or fight response in the body. That simply means the body is afraid to just relax or let go. So, when the body is unable to wind down, you cannot have deep healthy sleep - no matter what else you do.

Now this might sound cliche, but everybody is stressed. It seems to be the fashionable thing to say there isn't anybody without stress. Unless this is addressed and processed at the emotional level, it causes a lot of unrest in the body. And if you're not feeling safe in your environment - whether it's your work, or your home – it does trigger a lot of anxiety and discomfort. Everything comes right back to feeling safe.

And we all know how it feels during the day when we are sleep deprived * The energy is up and down * The moods are unpredictable * It constantly feels like it's one thing after the other * Difficult to plan the day and stick to it * Fatigue hits at odd times * Health issues feel more difficult to manage * Pain gets worse everyday * Work feels more stressful * Everything else seems to be controlling you * It feels like an emotional roller coaster and you feel like you're being tossed around.

The key to quality sleep is restoring that feeling of safety in the body and in the environment. This is the place to start working on a deeper level especially if you're dealing with a lot of health issues.

Take the time to address the root cause of what's happening because the moment the body starts to feel safe, you will immediately notice a difference in the quality of your sleep.

What can I do to start feeling safer? That may be your next question.

One of the easiest things you could do right now is grounding. Grounding helps us connect with the earth and bring in its healing frequencies into our bodies. Here are the simple steps to get you going: * Take a nice deep breath and place your hands on your heart Imagine a line going down through the body, through the feet and all the way deep into the heart of the earth (this connects your heart to the heart of the heart of the earth) * You may feel the energies or not. There is no right or wrong way * Just intend and trust you are connected with the earth * Gently bring back those energies from the earth into your body * Just allow and let it flow * As you keep doing it, you will become more aware of these energies * You can do it as many times as possible during the day * It will take you less than 5 minutes and the results will amaze you!

If you're like me and would like some more guidance, I've recorded a very special guided meditation audio that is available for a free download on my website. This is to get you started. Feel free to make it your own.

Where are you with your journey so far? And if there is anything I can support you with, just reach out.

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