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How to Remove Negative Energies from Great Distances

You've probably heard me talk about remote clearing. And you might be wondering what that is anyway. Why do it? What's the purpose? What's included? How do you know you need it? So on and so forth. I will address each of these separately but for now, we'll just look at what is really included in remote clearing.

When I refer to remote clearing, this is primarily for the land and the building on it. So basically it is for any kind of property - home, office, restaurant, business, school, factory, warehouse, etc. It could be for any kind of structure. I refer to the whole unit as a property = land + building.

First, all I need is an address. That gives me a reference point to connect for the initial scan and set a destination for sending the energies. I don't need to go to the place in person. I don't need either a video or photo of the property for the purpose of getting started with the remote clearing process. I may do additional energy scans if needed - most of the time we go straight into initiating the remote clearing.

Remote clearing is the overall umbrella term and includes several different facets.

(*) Clearing negative energies - When remote clearing is initiated, it starts to remove all kinds of negative energy from the property. Now that could include trauma in the land, emotional baggage in the building, attachments to the property, all kinds of energetic fragments that have been left behind because of various experiences such as natural disasters or man made projects or wars - all of these leave behind a lot of memory in the property.

So all these are cleared including any potential non beneficial energies that might be present or other factors that are causing lack of safety, lack of harmony and balance. Essentially, it's stored in the environment and all of those energies are completely taken care of and removed. Think of it like turbo cleaning the place - done energetically. This is why one of my mentors calls me a 'galactic vacuum cleaner' :)

(*) Setting up protective shields - Let's say the goal is to make sure whatever has been cleared does not come back. Now this is one of the big reasons why a lot of folks come to me is because they have gone to a lot of other experts in the past and have had their property cleared but somehow the energies and the heaviness seem to keep coming back. So when they come to me, we set up protective shields without the need for external dependencies.

You can continue to use energizing sprays or burning sage - they're all good and will enhance the energy in your property. It is nice to do it at regular intervals. But then, it is not something that you have to do every day or every week. So what you do will compliment and amplify the good energies rather than trying to clear the negative energy all by yourself. The shields ensure the property is continuously monitored and clear at all times.

(*) Energies to reset objects inside and outside the property - Every object has its own energy whether we are aware of it or not - furniture, pictures, art, paintings, statues, crystals, etc. Everything has its own frequency. And when we send energies to reset these objects, most of them are open to being reset to a higher frequency.

I would say based on my experience over the years with several properties - 80% or even 85% of the objects in and around your property are open to being reset. And then there is the remaining 15% to 20% that do not get reset - the trouble makers shall we say! I can identify these only when I do a video walkthrough (available separately and not included in remote clearing) because there's no way for me to know what objects are in your space.

(*) Bringing in the positive energies - Now that we have cleared the negative energy, put up protective shields in place and have reset the objects - there is now space that has been created and available. So instead of just leaving it open and kind of empty, we bring in positive energy to allow more opportunities, calm, harmony and balance in the property.

It doesn't matter if it's your home or office or home office or business. So whether you're struggling with your sleep or trying to find a job or looking for more creativity / focus / confidence to move forward with what you need to do or looking for more harmonious relationships or easier communication in all your interactions - the environmental energies sure have a say!

By bringing in the expansive energies, we are allowing peace, prosperity and abundance with ease and grace. Allowing the flow rather than fighting what's happening!

So this is what remote clearing typically includes - it is a one time service that I set up and then it is taken care off for life. And that is another reason why people choose to have me work on their property.

What has your experience been with clearing your property? Does this interest you? Let's connect and take a look at what we can do to supercharge your space for success - so that it really supports you in moving forward and bringing in the joy and abundance you're looking for. And remember to have fun in your space.

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