Today I want to talk about the stomach. What about the stomach?
I'm inspired to pick on a bug because this is a common problem for most people. Whether it's food sensitivity, heartburn, other reaction or discomfort, there's a lot going on in that one organ, our digestive system. If you have had any issues with your stomach, whether it's mild, medium or even severe, think about what you have gone through and then I will connect some dots for you to help you makes sense of your experience. When trying to decide what foods to eat or not to eat it's a kind of war between the tongue and the tummy and most time the tummy wins because that's the organ that's handling the food for a much longer time. There are two aspects that I want to bring about today. The first one is how have you feel after you've had a certain food or a drink. Has it felt nourishing and energizing, or do you feel like you just have something and now you need to take a nap because you're feeling so exhausted. Then the second piece is the emotional aspects or emotional reactions we get which can link to what is going on around us at this time. What do I mean by that?
When something is going on in your environment, or when you're dealing with something at an emotional or energetic level that is too much to handle the body reacts and the first organ that manifests this reaction is the stomach. If am sure you have heard the phrase I just can't stomach this thing that's happening. So let's say you just moved or somebody in your family is going through something very intense it's not easy to digest what has happened. Maybe there was some force involved maybe there was something traumatic involved, and the body is not going to be able to digest that both physically and symbolically so if you have a physical reaction from that incident.
Stop eating for a while, pause and observe what is happening in your environment. What is going on around you that you cannot stomach right now.
It could be something personal, an incident affecting someone around you, or even global events that can trigger intense emotional reactions in people. Think about it, pause and reflect on the different times you've had issues with your stomach and try to remember if something else happened around the same time in your life.
If you have any further questions or if you have any experiences or an aha moment just listening to this, share. I would love to hear from you.
And as always, let me know how I can support you.
Till next time, take care.