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Sacred Beads to Empower Every Area of Your Life

Another dear topic to my heart is sacred beads which I sometimes refer to as Power Beats because they have a lot of power or energy frequency. What are these beats and what am I talking about? These are seeds from specific trees grown in different places though the best ones come from Nepal and Indonesia.

The way these beads work is as a frequency for different purposes so different seeds carry different frequencies.

The traditional terminology for these beads in India is reduction and there is a lot of information that's available on these beats that you can read up on. That said, there are a few things that I want to share with you, based on not just my own experience but on those of clients as well. There are beats for specific purposes such as health and emotional well-being, confidence, prosperity, relationships, protection, building your business, and more. There are so many ways that these beads can be combined, depending on the purpose that you're using them for.

Sometimes I create smaller combinations for very specific purposes and I call them the Navy SEAL team. There are other combinations that are larger and more comprehensive when you have two or three goals that you're looking to accomplish. These I call the power of the army because you're pretty much-getting everything done. The sizes and prices vary but the frequency is definitely there.

I don't want to get into too many specifics because I do not want to divulge any private information, but just give you an idea that a lot of serious ailments can be addressed. One of my favorite combinations is a specific one for health through which I have seen remarkable improvements in short periods of time. It's magical to see positive transformation in people who have been suffering for years in just three to four months! These beats also come into play for protection purposes and you will notice how these energies come in to support and help you in the face of danger. There are also combinations for emotional well-being where they help calm the mind and body. There are a lot of other sacred beads from all over the world but this one in particular stands out based on not just my own experience but the fact that there have been so many transformations with the people I've given them to. These beats take 30 to 45 days to synchronize with your energy so it is recommended that you wear them as often as you can. Once the beats recalibrate and synchronize with your energy then they start to support you in these different areas.

I will share more information on my website and you can also check in with me if you're looking for a particular combination or if there's an area that you're looking to be supported with. You can schedule a free discovery session with me and then we can look into the best possible option for you.

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Whether you have a very specific goal or have many dreams, these sacred power beads are here to support you every step of the way!

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It's your turn to bring in divine love, balance, compassion & oneness into your sacred heart center so you can experience healing in your physical, emotional, mental & energy bodies.

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